Deletable Clinical Entries & Receipting Changes

Some small updates this week to make life easier for our users.  In the clinical records we have made it possible to delete entries for up to 24 hours after the entry is made.  After that point the entry is locked.  You can continue to edit entries as well for up to...

Email appointment information to patients

This week we have a few minor updates and a new feature for users. On the updates we have added the “Next appointment” to group receipts for all people included on the receipt. This was previously only on single statements. Occupations has been included...

Early July Updates

We have made a few small updates and bug fixes in the last week.  For those who use the daily transaction report on regular basis you will probably have noticed we have provided the option to view the report in landscape rather than just portrait view.  This is useful...

Editable reports and file uploads

At the request of several of our users we are pleased to be able to announce the ability to edit Reports on the clinical record in the same way as clinical entries for up to 24 hours after the entry is made.  In addition you can also delete uploaded files for 24 hours...

Macros Added to Spine Region on Records

One update and one bug fix this week. Some of our users have requested the ability to create your our macros to insert preset text on the Spine tab of the clinical records screen. You can now add these via the Settings->Add Macros area, just as you already could for...
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