by Matthew Holmes | Aug 10, 2014 | updates
This week we have a few minor updates and a new feature for users. On the updates we have added the “Next appointment” to group receipts for all people included on the receipt. This was previously only on single statements. Occupations has been included...
by Matthew Holmes | Mar 16, 2014 | updates
In these latest updates to iconpractice we have a number of additional features. The first is the ability to print out a list of appointments for a given date period. This is particularly useful if you need to contact patients (eg. to reschedule a day’s...
by Matthew Holmes | Jan 27, 2014 | updates
One update and one bug fix this week. Some of our users have requested the ability to create your our macros to insert preset text on the Spine tab of the clinical records screen. You can now add these via the Settings->Add Macros area, just as you already could for...
by Matthew Holmes | Dec 22, 2013 | updates
As a pre Christmas treat we have several updates in response to feedback and suggestions received from our users. They are in summary: The ability to choose to print a receipt while entering a transaction. Tick the “Print Receipt” checkbox just above the...
by Matthew Holmes | Aug 18, 2013 | updates
Many of our users have asked for the ability to view the details of an appointment, and to be able to edit them. With this update you can do just that. To edit or view the appointment details, right click on the appointment and select “Edit Appt” from...