You have a busy practice – you’re maybe even starting to employ other practitioners – and you need a full featured practice management system that can grow with your clinic without breaking the bank.
Full Featured.
Your are no longer running your practice on a shoestring. And as you get busier you can no longer focus on the minutiae of your practice. You need to delegate tasks and systems to your staff, and to your practice management system.
We built the iconpractice management system to help us run our practice efficiently for our benefit and for our patients. We then refined the system with our tester clinics to bring the same benefits to them. You can now have them too.
Our diary system incorporates full drag and drop functionality to make rescheduling appointments easy. Losing patients through cancellations is minimised with our automatic followup system. Appointment reminder SMS texting is standard to reduce the expense and frustration of missed appointments.
iconpractice’s clinical notes section enables you to quickly and easily enter your clinical records with a few clicks. At the same time as you make your SOAP notes you can review previous records and the Warnings and Cautions system will ensure you never miss vital clinical information.
iconpractice offers full practice reporting so you can easily track the progress your business is making view outstanding accounts and monitor the effectiveness of your marketing. We also offer third party billing.
Follow up marketing to your patients is essential to keep your practice name fresh in their minds. If you want it to iconpractice automatically sends birthday SMS texts to your patients.
If you want to access your system from home? With most systems you can’t because they are set up – and stuck! – within your practice. And even if you can access it through some sort of virtual private network (read “difficult”), you’d still have to pay for another licence for your computer at home. With iconpractice you can access your system at home, in your practice or even on the train if you want to!

Tax Benefits
Most practice management systems require one licence per computer, which even if you just have one treatment room and a reception area means you have two licences to buy. Add extra rooms or practitioners and you could be up for thousands more. iconpractice is different. Even our basic plan lets you have two users who can log in on as many computers as they like without needing a licence for each one. And that’s not even mentioning the tax savings.
You see, most practice management systems require an upfront purchase of their software. As your accountant will tell you, this is a capital cost. Capital costs usually need to be depreciated across the lifetime of the product which for software can be anywhere from 3-7 years. That means you won’t get to reclaim the full purchase cost for up to 7 years! When you are building and running your practice you need that money now.
iconpractice is different. Our practice management system is a service meaning you get to claim the full cost in the first tax year, getting that money back into your clinic faster.*
Platform Independent.
iconpractice is web based software, meaning you can access it through any device with a web browser. We routinely use our iPhones to make appointments on the go, while in our practice we use a mix of iPads, and Mac and PC computers. You are free to choose which platform you want to use.
Your information is transmitted securely over the web using industry standard encryption, ensuring you and your patient’s information is safe. We also do daily backups of your system meaning your data is secure.
Low IT requirements
Once you start running most practice management systems across several computers you run into the hassle (and expense!) of networking your practice. This requires a computer to run as the server, and linking host computers to it. If this is starting to sound like a hassle, trust me it is!
With iconpractice all you need is ADSL or 3G internet access. For most clinics this will be as simple as using the WiFi modem your Internet Service Provider gave you and putting the password into your computer.
* We aren’t tax advisors, do check with your accountant for exact details for your tax jurisdiction.
† The only support charges are for large extra-ordinary support jobs like importing existing data that requires a lot of modification.